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ゲーカーナトゥミ「Heloctoro」Limited Cassete Tape

ゲーカーナトゥミ「Heloctoro」Limited Cassete Tape

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Release: 2020.10.12

Kirigirisu Recordingsより100個限定でリリースされたゲーカーナトゥミの「Heloctoro」カセットテープです。

Track List

1. 新・Garageband入門
2. メキシコサラマンダー
3. 性善説
4. kirikomi-c'mon
5. Shinigami's Watchin' Me
6. sui-jyo-ki
7. キャッスル
8. V.G.T.B.L
9. すってはく

全曲作詞作曲: ゲーカーナトゥミ

前職を辞めた記念にリリースした「Retire to Refire」から約3年、
ゲーカーナトゥミの2ndアルバムは「ヘロヘロ」+「エレクトロ」 = ヘロクトロ!

Heloctoro by Geeker Natsumi (pronounced Gay-Car Na-Too-Mee)

It's been about 3 years since Geeker Natsumi’s debut "Retire to Refire” was released to celebrate her quitting her previous job.
Her 2nd album is named Heloctro, a sort of portmanteau of “Hero" + "Electro"
A cassette tape containing 10 heroic electro pop songs spun while spending heroic days playing concerts, working and living life.
Includes the live favourite "Mexico Salamander" (track 2), which is about neotenic creatures and axolotl.
Contrary to her live performances based around Casiotone and looped drums, this is a lo-fi motivated work created only using GarageBand and the Macbook’s inbuilt microphone, using almost no Casiotone!

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